Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money

Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money

Affiliate Disclosure: We often use affiliate links in our content at no extra cost to you. This helps us offset some of the cost of running the website. Thank you for the support. Were you aware you could make good money out of unprofessional writing? I say this with professional writing in hindsight. Forget about academic qualifications…

Positive Thinking Benefits: Does it Lead to Success?

Positive Thinking Benefits: Does it Lead to Success?

Positive thinking has many benefits, including good health, mind-relaxation, hardworking habit, and most important, Success in life. There are several positive thinking strategies recommended by science that play an effective role in your life and keep track of success. Your thoughts are the pre-steps of your actions. You cannot beat your bad time without a positive…

5 Powerful Positive Living Techniques to Set you on a Positive Path in Life

5 Powerful Positive Living Techniques to Set you on a Positive Path in Life

Would you say life is positive or negative at your current life status? Can we be intentional about positive living? Your answer will depend on the major event(s) happening in your life. The world is still reeling from the effects of a pandemic that has left many with no jobs, businesses down the drain, loss…

25 Positive Thinking Quotes to Catalyze your Positivity in Life

25 Positive Thinking Quotes to Catalyze your Positivity in Life

Is positive thinking an illusion, or is it the secret to living a successful and rewarding life? Can success be linked to a negative mind? I highly doubt that. What about positive thinking quotes? Do you think we should interact with them and to what end? To start with, some believe that positive thinking is…

Why you Should Build Better Relationships with People in 2022

Why you Should Build Better Relationships with People in 2022

Do you build better relationships with people, or are you the person people keep avoiding? If you are not building better relationships with people, you are doing a great disservice to yourself because all your blessings, your increase, and abundance will come through people, and to be more precise, a man. Well, how often do…